Thursday, January 10, 2013

How to Mixing Wall Color with Furniture

Did you ever realized that your chosen furniture has the wrong color? Did you find that the rustic furniture you purchased at a local dept store wasn’t appropriate for the room? Did you use a wrong combination of color for the room?

Mixing colors for some people is an inventive thing. But it is no more than just a splash of paint for others. The furniture needs the same treatment. The option of colors and the room will determine the compatibility of the colors. Matching the wall color with the furniture color is a must. Choosing some contrasting colors is another way. Experimenting which colors that work well is worth trying. Matching some parts of the entire surfaces is another way to try.

Deciding the right furniture is just easy once you’ve decided the right furniture color, except if you give your walls a fine paint job. (yeah, some people really do that).

Decide the main color scheme from the color that occupies most of the room, for matching or contrast, you can use that color. Once the color scheme is identified you can move the former furniture from different rooms to test it out, or shop for your new furniture. Duplicating colors both for the furniture and the walls are quite difficult thus colors don’t have to be so obvious. A little difference in the options of color are okay as they aren’t too obvious.

It is up to you to perceive the colors. The consideration for the color is that they must be attractive to everyone’s eyes and seen in the nearest location of the room. It could be near the set of dining chairs next to a fireplace, or could be the couch fabric with the wall, or even the bookshelf. In a combination room, these colors are really helpful.

The furniture and the walls are limited by the match of your color. The floor colors can be used to coordinate the furniture with the walls, of course with some imagination. The perceived color scheme can be added to the carpet, tiles, and wood. You can find out how the color scheme influence the furniture that sit on them also how they influence the adjacent walls.

What you need is a rearrangement of furniture and a careful planning then match them with the right environment and where ever you see, there will be colorful view and attractive items.


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